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Signs of being played

It can be incredibly disheartening to realize that the person you love is playing games with you. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for people to manipulate their partners for various reasons, whether it’s for power, control, or just to feel wanted. However, it’s important to recognize the signs of being played so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your emotions. Here are some tips to help you know if you’re being played by your someone special:

– They make promises they can’t keep: If your partner constantly promises you things but never follows through, it’s a red flag. This could mean they’re just stringing you along for their own benefit without any intention of keeping their word.

– They play hot and cold: One day they’re all over you, the next day they’re distant and aloof. If your partner’s behavior is erratic and unpredictable, it’s a sign they may be playing games with you.

– They keep you on edge: If you constantly feel like you’re walking on eggshells around your partner, it’s a sign they may be manipulating you. They may use threats or ultimatums to keep you in line, making you feel like you have no other choice but to comply with their wishes.

– They don’t respect your boundaries: If your partner doesn’t respect your personal space, privacy, or boundaries, it’s a sign they don’t value you as an individual. This could mean they’re using you for their own benefit without regard for your feelings or needs.

– They don’t respect your boundaries: If your partner doesn’t respect your personal space, privacy, or boundaries, it’s a sign they don’t value you as an individual. This could mean they’re using you for their own benefit without regard for your feelings or needs.

– They only want to see you on their terms: If your partner only wants to see you when it’s convenient for them, it’s a sign they’re not invested in the relationship. They may only be interested in spending time with you when it benefits them, such as when they’re bored or feeling lonely.

– They’re always putting you down: If your partner constantly criticizes you or makes you feel inferior, it’s a sign they’re trying to control you. They may be using your insecurities against you to manipulate your emotions and actions.

– They’re secretive about their life: If your partner is secretive about their life, such as their whereabouts, friends, or activities, it’s a sign they’re hiding something. They may be keeping secrets from you or lying to you, which is a clear sign they’re playing games with you.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s important to trust your instincts and take action. This could mean having an honest conversation with your partner about your concerns, seeking support from friends and family, or even ending the relationship if necessary. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who treats you with respect, honesty, and integrity.